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ASSIST Community Services Centre would like to share two new FREE programs that will be running starting in September 2024.

These programs were proposed in response to the unique challenges faced by Newcomer youth. This initiative aims to facilitate English Language acquisition and essential skills, supporting integration into the education system and potential part time employment.

Having consistently received concerns from our adult newcomer English learners currently enrolled in our LINC Program, we have noted a significant challenge – their children and their friends are struggling in their studies.

This has resulted in demotivation, discouragement, frustration, increased class absenteeism, and ultimately dropout from high schools. A prevailing issue is the existing gap experienced by newcomers & refugee youth, who are placed in school systems based on age rather than English language skills level. The support provided by the school systems falls short of effectively addressing the requirements to support their learning and comprehension of different subjects necessary for successful high school completion or further academic upgrading.

The same situation is faced by learners that would like to get into Academic Upgrading but lack the English level required to access it.

Another issue is the lack of low cost and accessible English Language training for the age group of  15 to 25 years old who struggled daily to learn school subjects in a new language. We strongly believe that providing these programs will reduce the drop out rate of high school learners, thereby enhancing their potential to pursue further education.

These programs also aim to help them attain the minimum English requirements for enrollment in trade programs, colleges, or to improve their employment opportunities and overall growth.

Both of the programs we are offering, feature a comprehensive English language learning and essential English for success outline , focusing on enhancing skills for both work and life. The goal is to address barriers related to effective English communication, reading and writing skills, and integration into Canadian society.

Moreover, Program 1 provides a safe environment for emotional support, interconnectivity with peers experiencing the same struggles, and developing intercultural competency via social time and interaction, sharing a light meal.

We have partnered with ABC Life Literacy Canada and ASSIST will leverage their established curriculum - UP Skills for Work and Life resources, in conjunction with an English language curriculum customized and developed by us and following the Alberta EAL curriculum outcomes.

There will be 2 sessions per class or program:

Please see the links on this page to downloadable PDF Schedules and information. We ask that you please share the information with your colleagues, your learners and their families.

All are welcome, meaning children from temporary foreign workers, or children without status.

Registration is now open.

For registration information please call - (780) 429-3112 or email

ATESL Chapter: Provincial