ATESL- Southern Alberta Chapter: Touching Base
Community of Practitioners Sharing Session
Dear Southern Alberta ATESL community;
We hope that this email finds you safe, healthy, and secure in your homes.
We are reaching out today to let you know that we have been working to arrange PD events in both Medicine Hat and in Lethbridge. However, as we were preparing to send out the invitations to participate, the COVID-19 virus arrived, which has put all of our plans on hold.
The topic for our community of practitioners sharing event was to be Motivating the Unmotivated – Motivating and Engaging EAL Learners, and it is our hope that we will be able to gather soon to share our best practices.
In order to honour the social distancing and self-isolation that is necessary at this time, we would like to suggest meeting ‘virtually’. We have the means to share PowerPoint presentations and meet virtually to share best practices, activities, resources, or approaches to promote discussion and contemplation about motivating our learners. This could be a great opportunity for us all to stay connected, continue our professional sharing and support each other at this time.
We invite you all to participate in the survey attached here. This survey will gauge the amount of interest we have in having a local on-line PD session, and the dates that would work best for all. If we have sufficient interest, we will make the arrangements, and invite participants to share for approximately 15 minutes, as usual.If you have any questions or are interested in sharing, please contact Jenny Bourne or Alana Johnson ( or
ATESL Chapter: Southern