Irreplaceable EAL Teachers in an Era of AI
Apr 08, 2025
5:30 - 7:00 PM
It is predicted that generative artificial intelligence will soon be able to provide learners with an exceptionally personalized educational experience. Does that mean AI has the potential to replace EAL teachers?
Is your chosen career going to be on the line?
This session will briefly explore the strengths and limitations of AI in EAL classrooms and discuss why the human touch is probably irreplaceable in the language acquisition process when challenged by algorithm-driven learning options. Johnson will share his real (human-driven!) EAL classroom experience from various contexts and lead you through reflection-cum-discussion episodes to highlight the vital role ‘human-driven’ teaching presence plays in EAL learning environments to create appropriate cognitive presence and social presence (Garrison et al., 2001) integral to language learning. From a socio-cultural perspective (Vygotsky, 1987), this session will examine how your ‘teacher’ presence can be transformed into ‘teaching’ presence (in-person and online; for all levels of language proficiency) to make clear distinctions between EAL teachers and AI.
Presenter: Johnson Kunnel
Johnson has taught in more than a dozen EAL programs to adult and young learners in Canada, Kazakhstan, Oman and India. He has been with ATESL since 2009 and currently serves on the Board as the President-Elect. He is passionate about learner-centered education and learner success. His research (Ed D, University of Calgary) focused on employing Community of Inquiry Framework in adult EAL classes to improve cognitive presence, teaching presence and social presence. He currently teaches task-based EAL courses at Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, Calgary.
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Please email any questions to
Jani & Jeffrey
ATESL Calgary Local Co-chairs
ATESL Chapter: Provincial