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Committees & Representatives

Here are the ATESL committees and the membership representatives. Note that the President is an ex officio member of all committees.

Committee Name Mandate Membership
Conference Managers To plan and execute a yearly conference
Advocacy Committee To advocate on behalf of ATESL on issues which affect the members and their learners. Past President
Professional Development/Bursary Committee To support professional development opportunities for ATESL members. Past President
Policy Committee To provide coordination of the policy development process for the Board. Past President
Newsletter/Website Committee To provide timely information to members and public audiences through the ATESL website. Past President (Chair)
Calgary Local Co-Chairs
Central Alberta Co-Chairs
Edmonton Local Co-Chairs
Members at Large
Fund Raising Committee Build funds that will help ATESL carry out its objectives such as member support, advocacy, professional development. Members: representatives of the Professional Development/Bursary, and Conference Committees
Recruitment Committee 1. Recruit and identify qualified members who are willing to be nominated for elected posts on the board.
2. Recruit and identify qualified members who are willing to stand for appointment to Board-appointed committees.
Past President (Chair)
Calgary Local Co-Chairs
Central Alberta Co-Chairs
Edmonton Local Co-Chairs